February 2, 2016


Under no circumstances will sponsorships be made for political, sectarian or partisan purposes.The following are examples of what the Town Council will consider:

Examples: Los Penasquitos Elementary School BLAST program for low-income youth; Relay for Life of Mira Mesa and Rancho Penasquitos; Rancho Family YMCA Annual Partner with Youth Campaign

Deadlines: Sponsorship applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Only complete applications received in the provided format at least one week before the scheduled Town Council meeting will be considered.

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Sponsorship Procedures:

1) Complete the sponsorship application and receive a confirmation email from the Grants Committee..

2) If the application is approved by the Grants Committee, you will be requested to attend a full RPTC Board meeting to present the event or program in question. The RPTC Board will vote on the item during the New Business part of our meeting.

3) Upon approval of the sponsorship, the Grant Committee Chairman will submit a check request form along with a copy of the sponsorship application to the Treasurer. The Treasurer will prepare a check and deliver it to the Grant Committee Chairman for distribution. In the event of grant denial, the Grant Committee Chairman will send a letter informing the sponsorship applicant of the Town Council’s decision.

4) The Grant Committee Chairman will send the check along with a letter notifying them of grant approval. The letter will ask for an acknowledgment of receipt and request them to return to the Town Council in a timely manner (within 30 days of the event) to report on how the money was used or on the success of their event.

5) You receive your check and serve our community.

But you`re not done yet! Once your funded project is completed, we ask that you please email us photos so we can show off the good work that is happening in our community. The photos may be used on our web site, Facebook page, or in our 92129 Magazine column What`s New in PQ?

Interested? Click here to fill out our online Sponsorship application.