November 18, 2015

Rancho Peñasquitos Town Council


The Rancho de los Peñasquitos Town Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to serve, represent, and promote the activities and interests of all Rancho de los Peñasquitos. As a forum for discussion and resolution of community issues, the Town Council will communicate ideas, recommendations, and concerns that impact Rancho de los Peñasquitos to residents, other community organizations, private and commercial interests, and government agencies, as appropriate.

We are comprised of duly elected and appointed representatives from designated districts within Rancho de los Peñasquitos. Official business is conducted at regular or special meetings of the Town Council, at regular or special meetings of the Executive Committee, and at meetings of other committees established by the Town Council.

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To learn more, please attend a monthly RPTC meeting – they are open to the public and all residents are welcome.