Except in extraordinary cases, grants will not be awarded unless an applicant can demonstrate the ability to match the requested level of funding from other sources. In all cases, grant recipients are expected to use awarded funds only for the purpose requested and may be asked to provide an expenditure report with documentation as a condition of the grant.
Under no circumstances will grants be made for political, sectarian or partisan purposes.The following are examples of what the Town Council will consider:
Community Leadership: People-to-people activities that promote participation among our residents within our neighborhoods; projects that promote cultural tolerance, harmony and understanding; projects that develop leaders among our youth and adult residents by providing a forum for public discourse.
Education: Projects that promote the growth and development of your youth in academics; projects that assist organizations in representing our youth in academic competitions within the city of San Diego as well as the state of California.
Arts and Culture: Projects that promote the growth and development of our residents in the areas of music and art; projects mat develop an appreciation among our residents of music and art form diverse cultures; projects whose goals are to enlighten, educate as well as entertain through local exhibits and performances.
Environment: Projects that promote our residents’ participation in keeping our community free from Uttering, air, water and noise pollution, graffiti and vandalism; projects that educate our residents about preserving and protecting the exploitation of our natural resources and open spaces.
Examples: Eagle Scouts and Girl Scouts projects, First Lego League and Odyssey of the Mind Teams, School extra-curricular funding
Deadlines: Grant applications are accepted on a continuing basis. All applications will be reviewed for consideration on a monthly basis. The Grants Committee meets on a monthly basis on the first Thursday of the month. Only completed applications received through this online portal at least one week before the scheduled Grant Committee meeting will be considered.
Grants Procedures:
1) Complete the grants application and receive a confirmation email from the Grants Committee.
2) One week before the Grants Committee meeting, applicants will be contacted via email and invited to make a verbal presentation and answer questions proposed by the Grants Committee. Presentations are limited to five minutes and should (at the minimum) clearly detail: (a) the proposed use of the grant for the activity, event or project; (b) the budget, including other sources of funding; and (c) how the grant will benefit the PQ community.
When you make your presentation to the Grant Review Committee, you will be asked to sign your application. By that signature, you are acknowledging that you have read and fully understand the grant application process and restrictions as explained above. Additionally, you will certify that all information provided in your application is true and correct.
3) After the Grants Committee public meeting adjourns, the committee will meet privately to discuss the applicants` presentations, and then the regular RPTC monthly meeting will commence. You are not required to be present for that meeting since you will not have an additional opportunity to speak. At that meeting, the Grants Committee Chair will present the committee`s recommendations as to whether each grant should be funded and at what level to the full Town Council.
4) Upon approval of the grant, the Grant Committee Chairman will submit a check request form along with a copy of the grant application to the Treasurer. The Treasurer will prepare a check and deliver it to the Grant Committee Chairman for distribution. In the event of grant denial, the Grant Committee Chairman will send a letter informing the grant applicant of the Town Council’s decision.
5) The Grant Committee Chairman will inform all of their application statuses and make arrangements to deliver the check. The letter will ask for an acknowledgment of receipt and request them to return to the Town Council in a timely manner (within 30 days of the event) to report on how the money was used or on the success of their event.
6) You receive your check and complete your project.
But you`re not done yet! Once your funded project is completed, we ask that you please email us photos so we can show off the good work that is happening in our community. The photos may be used on our website, Facebook page, or in our 92129 Magazine column What`s New in PQ?
Click here to fill out our online Grant application