November 18, 2015

Join the RPTC Board Today!


Membership is easy, Join us Today!

The filing deadline is April 25, 2025!

Would you like to get involved in your community?  We are an organization of neighbors and welcome you to join us in bringing great events and programs to Rancho Penasquitos!  You can help bring our events and programs to life.  Get involved and make a difference where you live, with us!  Be our guest at the next Town Council Meeting, and review the New Member Primer to see all the areas of opportunity for you to participate.

New Member Primer 2022

 Did you know that Rancho Penasquitos holds a Town Council election every May? That`s right. Elections for two-year terms on the PQ Town Council are held yearly at the Fiesta on the first Sunday in May.  

 Applications are due April 25th, 2025, at 11:59 PM

2025-2026 Town Council Candidate Application

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

Length of time at current address

If you do not know what elementary school district you are in, you can use a tool on the Poway Unified School District’s Web site to find out.
Those seeking to build their public persona for a political future we welcome you and will expect you to participate on two committees per year.
I am 18 years of age or older?
Choose up to four (4) words that will be printed on the Ballot to describe your principal profession, vocation, or occupation.
"I accept the nomination as a candidate for the Rancho de los Peñasquitos Town Council and declare that I am of legal voting age and will have been a resident of my District a minimum of 30 days prior to the elections by June 30, 2024. If elected, I pledge to serve the community to the best of my ability and to commit the time necessary to effectively perform my duties, to include attendance at required meetings and become an active committee member. I request that my name and ballot identification be printed as indicated above on the official ballot and understand that candidates' names will be positioned as drawn by lot and that the elections will be governed by Town Council Bylaws."

If you have any issues with your online request, please email [email protected] with your request so we can process your paperwork!

  If you miss the election application deadline, submit one anyway.  We welcome members at large and it`s a good way to get involved before you commit yourself and you can invite your friends and neighbors to cast a vote for you.  We have vacancies on the Council that are filled year-round by appointment.  Just fill out the application at any time and we`ll get back to you.

PQ-map1Additional Information:

The Town Council is made up of elected and appointed community neighbors (volunteers) from nine districts laid out to coincide with the elementary school boundaries in PQ:

District 1- Adobe Bluffs
District 2- Canyon View
District 3- Deer Canyon
District 4- Los Peñasquitos
District 5- Park Village
District 6- Rolling Hills
District 7- Sundance
District 8- Sunset Hills

District 9-Torrey Highlands East

NEW: District 9 – Torrey Highlands East – A new district as of April 2018 and not tied to an elementary school.

NOTE: If you do not know what elementary school district you are in, please review our district boundary map

There can be up to two elected representatives from each district.  Additional appointed positions also exist.

We welcome members at large, and it`s a good way to get involved before you commit. Our meetings are on the first Thursday of every month, 7:00 PM—9:00 PM, at the Radiant Life Church Parking Lot, 10060 Carmel Mnt. Rd., San Diego, CA.

The Online Candidate Application is open through April 25th, 2025. Note that you can join the RP Town Council at any time! We ask you to attend three meetings before making your final decision. All are welcome.