November 18, 2015

Council Committees

If you are interested in volunteering for or receiving updates from any of these committees, please contact us through this web site and the appropriate council member will get back to you.  Thank you for your interest!


Executive, Grants, Code Compliance, Education, Government Affairs, Web & Print, Community Partners,
Health & Public Safety, Elections & Appointments, Fiesta


Maintenance Assessment Districts, Planning Board, Parks & Rec Council, Miramar Community Leaders Forum,
School Community Policing Program Collaborative, Poway Unified School District




Comprised of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Chairs of the Standing Committees. It will perform all the usual and customary duties and assume all the responsibilities normally associated with such a committee, to include the power to take action on urgent matters subject to later ratification by the Town Council, resolve administrative details, approve expenditures up to $200, recommend committee establishment to the Town Council for approval, meet with residents and other interested parties, and execute the policies of the Town Council. All Executive Committee Members, barring unexpected vacancy, will serve for the duration of the fiscal year and/or until a new Executive Committee is duly elected and/or appointed.


The Town Council offers community service grants to individuals and organizations for activities, events, and projects that promote the interests or provide community service to PQ. Individual grants will not exceed $300 and organization grants will not exceed $500.  Applications are on the web site and are accepted on a continuing basis. They are considered at quarterly grant review meetings held 30 minutes prior to regular Council meetings. Applicants are invited to make a verbal presentation up to 5 mins long and answer questions proposed by the Grant Review Committee.

This committee`s activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Receiving grant applications and scheduling meetings as needed to hear grant requests
  • Presenting information from grant review meetings to full Council for approval of grants
  • Informing grant applicants as to the outcome of their applications
  • Working with the Treasurer to obtain grant money for grantees and deliver the check to the grantees
  • requesting before and after photos of all projects from grant recipients
  • keeping all grant applications, photos, and a spreadsheet of all grants with dates, amounts, and brief project descriptions for year-end spending reports and publicity purposes

Code Compliance:

The goals of this committee include neighborhood preservation and enhancement. Volunteers, trained by the City of San Diego`s Code Compliance Department, provide information, answer questions, and process complaints. Regarding complaints, the focus will be on municipal code œbuilding and œvehicle violations (limited to parking, storage, servicing, selling, and inhabiting vehicles). CC&Rs are often difficult to interpret, out of date, and not enforceable. The committee works closely with the City`s Neighborhood Code Compliance Department to process complaints.

This committee is also active in the removal of illegal signs and graffiti. These are also municipal code violations. You can help by reporting problems with signs or graffiti in your neighborhood via this website. Other services include architectural review and neighborhood clean-ups (performed in cooperation with the City of San Diego).

Reporting Code Violations

Residents are encouraged to speak with their neighbors if they have a problem. However, we understand that this is not always possible. If you believe that any city codes are being violated, you may want to contact the Town Council`s Neighborhood Code Compliance Committee. If you are making a formal complaint, the following information will be needed:

  • Description of problem and duration
  • Address of property with problem
  • Your name, address, and phone number

 Code Violations Enforced by Neighborhood
Code Compliance and Police Department

Title Description Municipal Code Section
Christmas Lights (outdoor) Shall be removed within 20 calendar days of the passing of the holiday.


Trailer Storage Trailers may not be stored in driveway blocking access to 2 car garage


RV Storage RVs may be stored on the street for up to 72 hours.  After this period, the RV must be moved 1/10 of a mile.

Enforced by Police Department (if called)

Garage Sales Maximum of 3 per year (each sale may be 2 consecutive days)


Portable Basketball Hoops Hoops must not be stored in the public right-of-way (sidewalk or street).


Garbage cans May be placed at point of collection only from 6 pm the day before to 6 pm the day of collection.


Vehicles overhanging public walk ways This is a citable offense.

Enforced by Police Department (if called)

Inoperable vehicle storage Up to 2 vehicles may be stored on private property if they are fully, legally screened (solid wall, fence, or landscaping) from public right-of-way in an area < 400 sq ft.  May not be stored in driveway or garage.



The charter of the committee is to inform the community regarding school related concerns and discuss issues that affect schools and students in PQ.

This committee`s activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Organize and implement the annual œGrowing Up PQ essay contest
  • soliciting nominations for and presenting Youth Community Service Awards
  • developing a relationship with all 12 public schools and their PTAs and Foundations

 Government Affairs:

The committee fields and refers questions from the community that fall into the category of government affairs.

This committee`s activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • organizing candidate forums around election cycles, possibly in conjunction with another Town Council (RB or MM?)
  • organizing annual Citizen`s Academy (local civics presentation re: City/County/Town govt entities and reps, how to get involved, how City decides which streets to repair, meet department heads, elected officials and key professionals, learn about Water Treatment Plant operations to graffiti prevention, how your public officials make decisions, how funds are allocated, and how the departments work together to make your city great.)

Web & Print:

This committee`s goal is to serve, represent, and promote the activities and interests of all PQ residents and keep those residents informed about current events affecting PQ by means of all media outlets and electronic communications.

This committee`s activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • maintaining and adding content to the Council web site, Facebook, and Twitter pages
  • writing the 92129 Magazine column
  • writing and circulating press releases as necessary
  • creating an online newsletter to potentially include: Council contact info, fundraising, elected officials` updates, crime stats, Planning Board update, sports, Parks & Rec, Schools, Library, Business, church, other community interest items.
  • making efforts to obtain additional signage around town
  • maintaining a community contact list to include individuals and groups

Business & Community Partnerships:

This committee`s activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Organize monthly Community Partners Mixers
  • Banner District:  Solicits businesses to sponsor and design new street banners for the community to raise interest in local businesses with advertising on those banners.
  • MicroBID (Business Improvement District)
  • Managing the Community Partnership drive.

 Heath & Public Safety:

This committee was formed to promote a healthy environment in PQ for all residents and to serve as a liaison with Police and Fire departments. This committee`s activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • organizing annual CPR class
  • organizing annual blood drive
  • organizing annual e-waste recycling event
  • establishing and revamping PQ`s Neighborhood Watch program
  • administering the NHW e-Blast list
  • maintaining contact with and reporting on the activities of the Firesafe Council:  The Firesafe Council is a seasonal group, focused on educating the community and on early detection of wildfires in the Rancho Penasquitos area.

Elections & Appointments:

This committee`s activities may include, but are not limited to:

  • annual Fiesta elections
  • Appointments
  • internal elections with Nominating Committee
  • high school representative appointments
  • updating and distributing new member information
  • annual new member welcome mixer


This committee will organize all aspects of the annual Fiesta on the first Sunday of May.



The Town Council may appoint 1 Advisory Representative for each group.  The Advisory Rep will attend required meetings, accurately represent the Town Council position on issues of consideration, and report actions, recommendations, and other matters of interest at the regular meetings of the Town Council.

Maintenance Assessment District:

A Maintenance Assessment District (MAD) is the legal mechanism by which property owners can vote to assess themselves to pay and receive services above-and-beyond what the City normally provides. This above-and-beyond service level is called a œspecial benefit. MADs are managed by the City in conjunction with local people.

PQ has two MADs:  PQ East and Park Village.  These two neighborhoods assess themselves additional property taxes to spend on œspecial benefits.  The PQ East MAD maintains the median strips and entrances to our community, except those maintained by the Park Village MAD.  The Park Village MAD has a broader mandate.

 Rancho Penasquitos Planning Board:

The Planning Board is a City entity and does not fall under the authority of the Town Council. The City Council recognizes one official land use planning group in each community to work with City staff to formulate and implement the General Plan and community plans, and to advise the Planning Commission and City Council on projects. The Board meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm at the Doubletree.  For more information, please see

Rancho Penasquitos Parks & Rec Council:

This group administers the City Parks & Rec seasonal classes and events, usually at Hilltop or Canyonside:

Miramar Community Leaders Forum:

This forum is comprised of representatives from all San Diego communities that are surrounding or affected by MCAS Miramar. The purpose is for the Base to communicate ongoing activities to the local communities and for local communities to communicate activities that could affect the Base.

 Los Pen School Community Policing Program Collaborative:

The Collaborative provides a forum for the school, the SDPD, and community leaders to exchange information related to school, safety, and residents` issues of interest.

Poway Unified School District:

This is a monthly meeting of the PUSD School Board.