November 18, 2015

About the RPTC


Who We Are

The Rancho de los Peñasquitos Town Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (tax id # 51-0562961) dedicated to serving, representing, and promoting the activities and interests of all Rancho de los Peñasquitos. As a forum for discussion and resolution of community issues, the Town Council will communicate ideas, recommendations, and concerns that impact Rancho de los Peñasquitos to residents, other community organizations, private and commercial interests, and government agencies, as appropriate.

We are comprised of duly elected and appointed representatives from designated districts within Rancho de los Peñasquitos. Official business is conducted at regular or special meetings of the Town Council, at regular or special meetings of the Executive Committee, and at meetings of other committees established by the Town Council.

Click here to view the current Council members.

What We Do
RPTC activities focus on four main areas:

  • Fiesta de los Peñasquitos
  • Community Partners
  • Community Grants
  • Local Resource Hub

Our Funding
The RPTC is able to organize the Annual Fiesta de los Peñasquitos and provide community grants, sponsorships, and scholarships through generous contributions from:

  • San Diego County Community Enhancement Grant (District 3)
  • Local Business and Resident Partnerships

We have the following committees and representatives dedicated to these areas of focus:


Executive, Grants, Education, Government Affairs, Web & Print, Community Partners,
Health & Public Safety, Elections & Appointments, Fiesta, Cookies & Cocoa


Maintenance Assessment Districts, Planning Board, Parks & Rec Council, Miramar Community Leaders Forum,
School Community Policing Program Collaborative, Poway Unified School District

Joining the Council

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Length of time at current address

If you do not know what elementary school district you are in, you can use a tool on the Poway Unified School District’s Web site to find out.
Those seeking to build their public persona for a political future we welcome you and will expect you to participate on two committees per year.
I am 18 years of age or older?
Choose up to four (4) words that will be printed on the Ballot to describe your principal profession, vocation, or occupation.
"I accept the nomination as a candidate for the Rancho de los Peñasquitos Town Council and declare that I am of legal voting age and will have been a resident of my District a minimum of 30 days prior to the elections by June 30, 2024. If elected, I pledge to serve the community to the best of my ability and to commit the time necessary to effectively perform my duties, to include attendance at required meetings and become an active committee member. I request that my name and ballot identification be printed as indicated above on the official ballot and understand that candidates' names will be positioned as drawn by lot and that the elections will be governed by Town Council Bylaws."
The Town Council is only possible because of the time and effort of volunteers. Elections for two-year terms are held every May or June. Vacancies on the Council are filled year-round by appointment.

There are two representatives from each district and eight ˜Members-at-Large.` The eight districts are laid out to coincide with the elementary school boundaries as follows:

District 1- Adobe BluffsPQ-map1
District 2- Canyon View
District 3- Deer Canyon
District 4- Los Peñasquitos
District 5- Park Village
District 6- Rolling Hills
District 7- Sundance
District 8- Sunset Hills

NOTE: Please look at the map to determine your district.

If you want to join the Council, please click here for more information and fill out an application.

The Town Council shall refrain from supporting any partisan, sectarian, or special interests, including publishing and distributing statements in favor of or opposing such interests. This is not to be construed as a limitation upon fund-raising efforts, solicitation of advertising, taking a position on an issue of concern to the community, or encouragement to neighborhood and special area groups in the promotion and advocacy of their own interests as they see them, but rather, it is to prevent inappropriate favoritism or bias.

Administrative Documents
